Enjoy the mountain air in this green, expansive lush countryside! Filled with serene and rocky cliffs! And of course the crystalline Lake and Sea Windenburg and a quaint village and town and capital nestled around the shore sides. That is also the business center of the Land! The Land and Kingdom has also developed their economy mostly around there, hunting and forestry. Most of The Crumbling Isle, where the Royal Estate is located, is surrounded by crumbling man-made walls to protect it! The old Platz Ruins are where the Windenburg Castle used to be, but for strategic reasons and more security, it was moved to the secluded island! The current ruler, King Jaques, has taken priority to enriching the Kingdom’s military and securing any possible threats. His strict rule has made an authoritarian type of Leadership, even for a King. His word is absolute and for anyone in the Kingdom to do anything, even marry, the decision must pass through him. Nobody would dare say it close to him, but he is known amongst the people and nobility, as the Mad King. Worst is, if he heard, he might like it. The Kingdom’s Faith is that of The Watcher and any other is penalized by law! Head of Faith of course the King himself. The Alliance of the 9 Kingdoms though has allowed visitors and not permanent residents to be excluded by that law, under the Freedoms of our people protection act! The King is the Head of State, Faith and Military. May the Watcher and His Greatness protect us all..

Royal Family Villareal of Windenburg
A Royal Family, or rather, the King and his puppets. If puppets were prisoners. The King has absolute authority in his Kingdom and Family and is not afraid to use it. In the long, lavish halls of the Royal Estate, secrets, pain and tears can be found. But no happiness. His kids growing without knowing what a healthy relationship with anyone is. His first wife erased from History, his vassals and others bowing to his bid. Everyone walking on eggshells. Because if the King says it is so, then so it is. now with a new Queen, new Princess and a new engagement! All within months of the formation of the 9 Kingdoms Alliance. Is this a sign of stability or troubles to come?
His Royal Majesty King Jacques Villareal of Windenburg (THE MAD KING)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Spouse: Queen Villareal (Deceased and partially erased from History) Queen Clara Villareal of the Marquis House Bjergsen
Issue: Count Hugo Caliente of Oasis Springs
Princess Royal Luna Villareal
Crown Prince Max Villareal
Prince Peter Villareal
Faith:of the Watcher - Head of Faith in the Kingdom
Her Royal Highness Queen Clara Villareal of the Marquis House Bjergsen
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual(closeted Bisexual)
Spouse: Marquis Bjorn Bjergsen of Windenburg (Deceased)
Issue: Princess Sofia Landgraab of Oasis Springs
Princess Elsa Bjergsen of Windenburg
Lady Alejandra Bjergsen Bjergsen of Windenburg
Lady Jennie Bjergsen of Windenburg (actually granddaughter from Sofia)
Marquis Bjorn Bjergsen II of Windenburg (The King also refers to her as the “mother” of his previous children)
Count Hugo Caliente of Oasis Springs
Princess Royal Luna Villareal
Crown Prince Max Villareal
(and she had with the King:)
Prince Peter Villareal
Faith:of the Watcher
Her Highness The Princess Royal Luna Villareal of Windenburg
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Spouse:arranged with Crown Prince Pierce Delgato of Brindleton Bay
Issue: none
Faith:of the Watcher
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Max Villareal of Windenburg
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Spouse: arranged with Princess Elsa Bjergsen of Windenburg
Issue: none
Faith:of the Watcher
Her Highness Princess Elsa Bjergsen of Windenburg
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Spouse: arranged with Crown Prince Max Villareal of Windenburg
Issue: none
Faith:of the Watcher

Marquis House Bjergsen of Windenburg
A House blessed with many claims, in Crowns and Lands. Or rather.. A House cursed with many claims.. That is one of the reasons that brought them under the wrath of the King! But let's be honest.. for the King it was mostly his last for Clara.. Everyone wants a piece of them and their claims, and that brings nothing but danger to the members of the House. Especially the heirs of it! Men to be murdered and women to be claimed.. That is the life of the member of the Bjergsen House.. The Alliance and the marriage of the previously Lady Sofia, now Princess Sofia Landgraab, being the only things that keep these young remains of the House safe! For how long we shall see.. And let’s not forget Lady Siobhan, who got a “friendship” with the King, the only way to some independence by being the Matron of those kids. As marriage is out of the question from the King..

Count House Fyres of Windenburg
A quiet Noble House, tip toeing around their King. Trying to survive. They have done a good job so far. Their oldest daughter Matron of the Bjergsens and their second born wanting to get wed.. As we said the Fyres have been lucky so far.. But for how much more?
The Right Honorable The Count Dominic Fyres of Windenburg
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Spouse: Contessa Moira Fyres
Issue: Lady Siobhan Fyres Lady Morgan Fyres Lord Dominic Fyres Lady Hannah Fyres Lord Westley Fyres (actually grandson from Siobhan)
Faith:of the Watcher
The Right Honorable The Contessa Moira Fyres of Windenburg
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Spouse: Count Dominic Fyres
Issue: Lady Siobhan Fyres Lady Morgan Fyres Lord Dominic Fyres Lady Hannah Fyres Lord Westley Fyres (actually grandson from Siobhan)
Faith:of the Watcher
The Right Honorable The Lady Morgan Fyres of Windenburg
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Spouse: none
Issue: none
Faith:of the Watcher
The Right Honorable The Lord Dominic Fyres of Windenburg
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: does not know yet
Spouse: none
Issue: none
Faith:of the Watcher
Conditions: Hemophilia (undiagnosed) (twin of Lady Hannah)
The Right Honorable The Lady Hannah Fyres of Windenburg
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: does not know yet
Spouse: none
Issue: none
Faith:of the Watcher (twin of Lord Dominic)
The Right Honorable The Lord Westley Fyres of Windenburg
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: does not know yet
Spouse: none
Issue: none
Faith:of the Watcher
(actually son of Lady Siobhan and Merchant Sergio)
The Right Honorable The Marquis Bjorn Bjergsen II of WIndenburg
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: does not know yet
Spouse: noned
Issue: none
Faith:of the Watcher
(Father, the Deceased Marquis Bjorn Bjergsen. Mother, Queen Clara Villareal, previously known as Marquess Clara Bjergsen of Windenburg. Not allowed any contact)
The Right Honorable The Lady Alejandra Bjergsen of Windenburg
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: does not know yet
Spouse: none
Issue: none
Faith:of the Watcher
The Right Honorable The Lady Jennie Bjergsen of Windenburg
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: does not know yet
Spouse: none
Issue: none
Faith:of the Watcher
(passing as daughter of Queen Clara {previously Marquess Clara} & Marquis Bjorn I Bjergsen of Windenburg. But is actually the daughter of Princess Sofia Landgraab of Oasis Springs {previously Lady Sofia Bjergsen of Windenburg}. She doesn’t know)
The Right Honorable The Lady Siobhan Fyres of Windenburg
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Spouse: none
Issue: none (secretly Lord Westly Fyres of Windenburg)
currently in charge of the care of the Bjergsen progeny, appointed by King Jacques Villareal himself
Faith:of the Watcher