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Magnolia Promenade

an island with rich history but new Monarchy! Once part of the Sulani island chain, but was always partially independent. Mostly due to the high numbers of pirates roaming about it! Once the Pirates overflowed the populace of it, it separated itself completely from Sulani and spent many years under Pirate rules! Sulani has many times accused the inhabitants of crimes against their people, seamen, and Mother Nature itself! It is widely believed by the Sulani people that the offenses the Pirates have committed was the reason for the disappearance of the children of the sea for so many years! But that of course, is only one side to the story.. The Pirate Island created through the years its own rules and sort of government, and established trade with many lands! In the last years they finally decided to give the rule and create Monarchy under the Langeraks! A family of their own that has deeply benefited the land! Now the new Royals are trying to establish the rule and protect and aid their people in the newly founded Kingdom! The failure of entering an Alliance with their strong neighbor due to Sulani was no small loss. But they have noticed there are some friendly faces inside the Alliance.. Now, the Crown Prince's marriage with an Imperial Princess of the faraway Empire of Heart ( by @heartiaroyals), may bring the needed security and stability in the Land, as well as an experienced Princess in how a court works! As they try to get by, flourish and even find their Nobility and style of ruling.. The Queen already feels, after her sister's forceful marriage, that they have sacrificed already enough. May the Watcher, Nature and all be with them!


Royal Family Villareal of Windenburg

One of the oldest Royal Houses, now with a new Queen, new Princess and a new engagement! All within months of the formation of the 9 Kingdoms Alliance. Is this a sign of stability or troubles to come?


King Vladislaus Straud of Forgotten Hollow

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: fluid

Spouse: Queen Captain Iliana

Issue: Crown Prince Parker, Princess Kaylynn

Faith: None


Her Majesty Queen Captain Iliana Langerak of Magnolia Promenade

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: fluid

Spouse: King Captain Dustin

Issue: Crown Prince Parker, Princess Kaylynn

Faith: of the Watcher


His Royal Highness Marshal Crown Prince Parker Langerak of Magnolia Promenade

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: fluid

Spouse: Crown Princess Leah

Issue: Prince Levi (adopted)

Faith: of the Watcher


Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Leah Langerak of Magnolia Promenade Imperial Princess of the Royal House Hubbell of Heart

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Spouse: Crown Prince Parker

Issue: Prince Levi

Faith: of the Watcher


His Highness Prince Levi Langerak of Magnolia Promenade

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: does not know yet

Spouse: none

Issue: none

Faith: of the Watcher


Her Royal Highness Princess Kaylynn Langerak of Magnolia Promenade

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: not sure yet

Spouse: none

Issue: none

Faith: of the Watcher

(sister of the Queen)

Her Highness Warrior Princess Zelda Mae of Magnolia Promenade

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Spouse: none

Issue: none

Faith: of the Watcher


General House Bunch of Magnolia Promenade

The Bunches have been a Bunch of loyal crew to the now Royal family! Part of the crew of the Langerak ship, and now the court! The family is just now starting expanding, under the more safe life in court than at sea aboard a vessel! Where will this life take them?


General Jack Bunch of Magnolia Promenade

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: fluid

Spouse: Lady Judy

Issue: Lord Ethan

Faith: of the Watcher


Lady Judy Bunch of Magnolia Promenade

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Spouse: General Jack Bunch

Issue: Lord Ethan

Faith: of the Watcher


Lord Ethan Bunch of Magnolia Promenade

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: does not know yet

Spouse: none

Issue: none

Faith: of the Watcher