Forgotten Hollow
Hidden between mountains, the small town of Forgotten Hollow has remained virtually unchanged for the four generations it has existed. All of its original town Founders disappeared shortly after the town was founded. All except for Vladislaus Straud. The Land was thought perfect to conceal the existence of Vampires, and King Vladislaus, self appointed King has taken in every Vampire that bent to his will!
King Vladislaus, with centuries of existence, was opposed to people finding out about Vampires, but certain events in the world forced his hand.. Now, he remains adamant that the people of Forgotten Hollow are NOT to interact with the people of the outside world more than they need!
Vampires do not produce children, so the Succession in this Kingdom is quite different. Also, Vampires here are seemingly immortal, something that makes Succession even more insignificant. But, if anything were to happen, Duchess Lilith, as the finance of the King & the highest title holder, would succeed him!
King Vladislaus Straud has lived for centuries and has ruled almost as much! Another known fact about Vampires, especially in this Land, is that the longer they are Vampires, the more they lose their look of Humanity, or being alive! That is why there is a difference in how King Vladislaus and the newly turned Baroness Alice look. Although it is a compliment to look as far from a mortal as possible in this realm. It shows your years, power and wisdom!
Forgotten Hollow is not part of the Alliance of the 9 Kingdoms! They were asked to join, and Duchess Lilith tried to convince the King to let them join, but he refused. He does not want to interact or intervene with mortal business.
With all these rules and secrecy he asks for, there might be some more secrets that the Vampire King has..
Duchess Lilith wants to see progress in the Land and tries to advise the King. And although he strictly refuses it, he respects and values her opinions. Something that has led in some progression instead of none at all.
The Kingdom has no established Faith, as when you are immortal, what do you believe in?

A rare event occurred in the Baron House of Forgotten Hollow
Baron Mark pleaded for the now Baroness to be allowed to turn so they could marry. In Forgotten Hollow, the only way to turn someone is with permission from the King and ONLY for the purpose of a forever mate! But Baroness Alice was pregnant by another Human! Vampires can not produce kids.
And since the little ones would be Human, it was uncertain what they should do with that progeny! Alice did not want to leave her kids behind.. but she couldn’t keep Humans in the Kingdom either.
After a lot of deliberations, and with the help of Duchess Lilith, they got the approval for the union from the King and also..
The twin daughters will be raised in the Baron House, as daughters of the Baron and Baroness, and they will be turned into Vampires when they reach full growth! That is the only way they were allowed to stay in the Kingdom!
The King was convinced as well when Duchess Lilith made Count Called and Lord “Nervous Subject” promise to each take one of the girls as future forever mate. A decision that will certainly have big impacts in the future..
But hopefully all goes well!
His Majesty King Captain Dustin Langerak of Magnolia Promenade
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Spouse: Engaged to Duchess Lilith
Faith: of the Watcher
King Vladislaus seems to have pre existed even the Kingdom of Forgotten Hollow. Although his origins seem unknown, rumor has it he left another Kingdom, to escape the progression he so does not want. Now, in his own Land, hidden in the middle of mountains, King Vladislaus has a strict rule over who enters and leaves the Land. All important decisions pass from him. His rule though does not feel like Tyranny, as despite his strict exterior seems to care for his people. And seems to have another secret he wants to protect.
Her Grace Duchess Lilith Vatore of Forgotten Hollow
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Spouse: Engaged to King Vladislaus
Faith: None (questioning)
Duchess Lilith, turned by the King, engaged to the King. She is the voice of progression and a strong figure in the Land. As much as she is respected by the King, she still wonders where his paranoiac xenophobia comes from. She loves their Land and wants to see the people and world happy. She wants the people to learn of Vampires and be able to have a say in the world. But we will see what happens there.. She is curious to find the secrets of her fiance, as hard as that may seem
The Right Honorable The Count Calleb Vatore of Forgotten Hollow
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Faith: None (questioning)
Caleb is an interesting vampire. Loves the arts and his seclusion in the last decades. He was turned by a Miss Hell and is left to only remember her. He is not at complete peace with being a Vampire and tries to find alternative ways to cope with it. His least favorite, having to drink plasma from others. He does not like his King but is quiet about it, and is not so keen about his sister marrying him. Where is his sadness coming from? And what will the future bring for an undying fellow like him.

Marquis House Spectre of Forgotten Hollow
AMarquess Olive has gone by many names in the past, and all bring fear in the hearts of those saying them. It is better to not name her at all and maybe even wish that you don’t see her ever. As for many, she has been the last thing they saw.. allegedly.. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants, and even family ties won’t faze her. She spends her time collecting mushrooms, sharpening sticks, and excavating her ever expanding graveyard.. Will she find out about the Romance her secluded niece has? And how will the newly rescued “Nervous Subject” fare in this immortal world?

Baron House Eggleston of Forgotten Hollow
The Baron House, newly expanded, and with an interesting rare event taking place. How will the young girls fare growing up? And what will the parents do in this interesting predicament? Baron Mark has a secret that he keeps as well, and Baroness Alice is adapting to her new life, clinging to her two daughters and the eternal life they can have here!
The Right Honorable The Baron Mark Eggleston of Forgotten Hollow
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Spouse: Baroness Alice
Issue: Lady Carmilla (adopted as his)
Lady Akasha (adopted as his)
Faith: None
The Right Honorable The Baroness Alice Eggleston of Forgotten Hollow
Vampire - promised to be turned into a Vampire
Gender: Female
Spouse: Baron Mark
Issue: Lady Carmilla
Lady Akasha
Pronouns: She/Her
Faith: None
The Right Honorable The Lady Carmilla Eggleston of Forgotten Hollow
Vampire - promised to be turned into a Vampire
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Promised to: Lord “Nervous Subject” Spectre of FH
Faith: None
The Right Honorable The Lady Akasha Eggleston of Forgotten Hollow
Vampire - promised to be turned into a Vampire
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Promised to: Count Calleb Vatore of FH
Faith: None
The Right Honorable The Marquess Olive Spectre of Forgotten Hollow
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Faith: None
The Right Honorable The Lord “Nervous Subject” Spectre of Forgotten Hollow
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Faith: None
The Right Honorable The Lady Ophelia Nigmos of Forgotten Hollow
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
(has secretly promised herself to Lord Ripp Grant of Strangeville)
Faith: None