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Willow Creek

Willow Creek is a verdant, sprawling region of lush bayous and rolling plantation land that is home to aristocratic farmers, gentry, and swamp-dwellers

Willow Creeks Founders was the Goth Family that has held the Monarchy in the Land since then

Due to the land and the port, Willow Creek has evolved a rich trade market that brings in most of the Kingdoms income

That also makes Willow Creek diverse blend of rick tradition, understated grandeur and true salt-of-the-earth hospitality

Due to Willow Creek’s diversity of people, although the recognized faith of the Kingdom is that of the Watcher, it is not enforced but encouraged, especially amongst the nobility. But the religion freedom of people is protected by law

The Willow Creek Land also includes the Old Crest area, that was conquered by King Victor the 1st and secured by King Gunther the 1st! Although tensions do arise in the conquered Land, there have been years of peace during King Mortimer’s reign, which we hope will last!

Now with a missing Queen, the Newly Established Alliance of the 9 Kingdoms, and the arrangement of the Crown Prince, what does the future hold for this Kingdom?


Royal Family Goth of Willow Creek

One of the oldest Royal Houses, now with a new Queen, new Princess and a new engagement! All within months of the formation of the 9 Kingdoms Alliance. Is this a sign of stability or troubles to come?


His Majesty King Mortimer Goth of Willow Creek

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him


Spouse:Queen Bella Goth (missing), Queen Dina Goth

Issue:Duchess Cassandra Bachelor, Crown Prince Alexander Goth, Princess Cornelia Goth, Princess Katherine Goth

Faith:of the Watcher


Her Royal Highness Queen Bella Goth of Willow Creek (Missing) of the Duke House Bachelor (House revived through her daughter, Princess, now Duchess Casandra)



Sexuality:Heterosexual, (closeted Bisexual)

Spouse:Goth of WC

Issue:Duchess Cassandra Bachelor, Crown Prince Alexander Goth, Princess Cornelia Goth, Princess Katherine Goth

Faith:of the Watcher


Her Royal Highness Queen Dina Goth of Willow Creek of the Count House Caliente of Oasis Springs



Sexuality:Heterosexual (questioning)

Spouse:Duke Michael Bachelor of Willow Creek (Deceased), King Mortimer Goth of Willow Creek

Issue:Princess Cornelia Goth, Princess Katherine Goth

Faith:of the Watcher


Her Royal Highness Princess Cassandra Goth of Willow Creek






Faith:of the Watcher


His Royal Highness The Sorrowful Crown Prince Alexander Goth of Willow Creek




Spouse:betrothed to Princess Evie of Brindleton Bay


Faith:of the Watcher


Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia Goth of Willow Creek



Sexuality:does not know yet



Faith:of the Watcher


The Right Honorable The Lady Vivian Lewis of Willow Creek





Issue:Lord Eric Kim-Lewis of Willow Creek

Caretaker of: Princess Cassandra Goth of Willow Creek

Faith:of the Watcher


Count House Kim-Lewis of Willow Creek

The Count and advisor to the King has lived long enough to witness many changes. One of the biggest ones was the change of his House name with the added Lewis, at the end, from his Daughters and Heirs husband.. As much as he despises this, that arrangement was maybe the only thing to keep their House standing and rich. But no one tell him that his son in law is rumored to be a bastard produced out of wedlock.. Actually don't say it at all from fear of angering the cunning Lady Vivian Lewis of Willow Creek!


Baron House Pancakes of Willow Creek

Baron Bob married a rich commoner from the area of the Old Crest. But do not dare call Baroness Eliza anything but her married name! The Baron is satisfied with their position but he can not stop his wife from dreaming for more! Now with the young triplets of the House, the Baroness is already dreaming and scheming their feature marriages, to give a social climb to the family as a whole!


Commoners House Scott

It is simple, Travis Scott married Liberty Lee Scott and they had a little baby named Travis Scott Jr! But Travis Scott was in love with a girl named Summer who vanished after a job she got in the big city! You know what? Now that I think about it there is a Lady named Summer married to some important man now isn’t there? Well who knows what all those Royals and nobles do wherever they are.. We said this story was easy!

Liberty’s life is not. But at least she has her beloved son, the apple of her eyes.