Evergreen Harbor
Evergreen Harbor is an old Land that has always balanced modernity and tradition!
Between rolling hills of evergreen forest on one side and the waters of the Willupette Sound on the other, Evergreen Harbor used to be an industrial capital of the world! However, as the world changed around it, the Kingdom has struggled to keep up with some. And in recent years has even thought.. is all this effort worth it?
Royals and common people have started realizing the impact that they have on the land! And the current Ruler strives to fix the earth of the Kingdom and the relationship the people have with the land itself!
The Kingdom of course remains a place where people value their community, and neighborly love isn’t just a pastime! From its founding day it was always accepting of different people and ways of thought! There is freedom of existence, faith and definition/expression of one’s self!
Now, in the Alliance of the 9 Kingdoms, the Crown is making sure that the Freedoms of its people are never diminished!
The official Faith of the Kingdom is that of free will! So stopping anyone from believing anything would go against that! And of course the rule for succession is Equal Primogeniture! It actually has been like this since the Kingdom founded itself in this Land!
Evergreen Harbor now stands on the precipice of making its own future again! The only question is: what kind of future will it be?

Royal Family Tinker of Evergreen Harbor
The Royal House Tinker has a motto: “Tinker even what is steady, to make sure that it works”! That way the Royal Family alway reevaluates the Empire’s rules. This being one of the reasons the Empire has managed to stay so progressive and a safe space for all! That though, puts a lot of pressure on the Empress Tina, who is always overworked. How will the workings of the Land and this family affect the lives of the people in the House and the Kingdom?
Her Imperial Majesty Empress Tina Tinker of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Spouse: Queen Consort Yasemin
Issue: Crown Princess Olive
Princess Alex Tinker
Faith: of Free Will
Her Imperial Highness Queen Consort Yasemin Tinker of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Spouse: Empress Tina Tinker
Issue: Crown Princess Olive
Princess Alex Tinker
Faith: of Free Will
Her Imperial Highness Crown Princess Olive Tinker of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Spouse: none
Issue: none
Faith: of Free Will
Her Imperial Highness Princess Alex Tinker of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Aromantic/Heterosexual
Spouse: none
Issue: Prince Johan Tinker
Faith: figuring out
His Imperial Highness Prince Johan Tinker of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: does not know yet
Spouse: none
Issue: none
Faith: figuring out

Duke House Greenburg of Evergreen Harbor
The Duke House Greenburg has always been close to the Crown! They love the Land, the people and Nature, and are really happy with the recent initiatives to protect the Land. The young Lord has a fighting spirit, passed to him by his father that passed and his two mothers. But sometimes he can be perceived as a bit too pushy.. Especially from people in the Realm that don’t say what they mean, and do not mean what they say. He despises them the most.

Marquis House Harris of Evergreen Harbor
Although the Marquis is the Head of the House, the widowed Dowager Marquess Francine is definitely still the real Head of the House! Aside from her private matters.. she tends to the young kids of the family and makes sure to instill in them the traditions and responsibilities that she believes society expects from them! After all, “it is” what “it seems”!
The Right Honorable The Marquis Cletus Harris of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
Spouse: The Marquess Faye
Issue: Lord Jebb Harris, Lory Giddeon Harris
Faith: of Free Will
The Right Honorable The Dowager Marquess Francine Harris of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Polyamorous/Bi-Curious
Spouse: Deceased (in a secret relationship with The Lord Knox Greenburg of Evergreen Harbor)
Issue: Marquis Cletus Harris of Evergreen Harbor
Faith: of Free Will
The Right Honorable The Marquess Faye Harris of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight/Demisexual
Spouse: Marquis Cletus Harris
Issue: Lord Jebb Harris, Lory Giddeon Harris
Faith: of Free Will
The Right Honorable The Lord Jebb Harris of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight/Demisexual
Spouse: none
Issue: none
Faith: of Free Will
The Right Honorable The Lory Giddeon Harris of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Non Binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Aromantic/Asexual
Spouse: none
Issue: none
Faith: of Free Will

Count House Sterling-Rico of Evergreen Harbor
This newly established House in the Land may appear compliant with the life here, but behind closed doors.. they are not so much.. Making their way to Nobility through money from industrializing the Land, they do not see eye to eye with the new Green initiatives. And they have a more stereotypically traditional mind of what laws they were expecting their House to have. Now, with their young daughter being the heir, they still want a son.. What will their future be in this progressive land where they seem to stand out? And what of the little daughter, that grows up in a House like that?
The Right Honorable The Count Jules Sterling-Rico of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
Spouse: Contessa Bess
Issue: Lady Am
Faith: of Free Will
The Right Honorable The Contessa Bess Sterling-Rico of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Spouse: Count Jules
Issue: Lady Am
Faith: of Free Will
The Right Honorable The Lady Am Sterling-Rico of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: does not know yet (her parents behind closed doors want her to be straight and not the heir to their title as well)
Spouse: none
Issue: none
Faith: of Free Will

Family Pham Im
The Pham Im family has worked with the Crown for many generations! They are loyal, hardworking and friendly with the Royals! The parents are happy with their positions in the Household, and little Lisa Eun is good friends with the Crown Princess! Everything seem like the future of the family, will continue to be a good one!
Head Helper of the Royal House Ji Eun Pham Im of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Spouse: Mae
Issue: Lisa Eun
Faith: of Free Will
Royal Nanny Mae Pham Im of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Spouse: Ji Eun
Issue: Lisa Eun
Faith: of Free Will
Lisa Eun Pham Im of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: does not know yet
Spouse: none
Faith: of Free Will
Her Grace Duchess Blossom Greenburg of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Spouse: Duchy’s Consort Mary
Issue: Lord Knox Greenburg
Faith: of Free Will
Their Grace Duchy’s Consort Mary Greenburg of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: does not use a word to describe it
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: does not use a word to describe it
Spouse: Duchess Blossom Greenburg
Issue: Lord Knox Greenburg (adopted after their
marriage with his mother as a child)
Faith: of Free Will
(Duchy’s Consort Mary comes from a faraway tribe where the norm is to not use words to define sex, gender or sexual orientation. The also use the word “Mother” for their parental relationship with their adoptive son)
The Right Honorable The Lord Knox Greenburg of Evergreen Harbor
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
Spouse: none (in a secret relationship with The Dowager Marquess
Francine Harris of Evergreen Harbor)
Issue: none
Faith: of Free Will